Wednesday, October 24, 2007

So by a crazy bit of Luck we got front row, center seats for the Wiggles last night!!
Gabrielle was so excited. I don't think she realized how close they would be. For the first half of the show she was star struck... just staring and looking at them. She was even a little nervous. We brought flowers for Dorothy, A Big bone for Wags, and hearts for each of the wiggles. Since we were in the front, and they promote audience participation, she was able to give each of her gifts to everyone!
Jeff, the purple Wiggle was especially nice to her. After giving Dorothy her roses, Anthony the blue Wiggle remembered her name and mentioned her later on in the show! It was a really great time. Mommy and Mama made a promise that our next show is going to be for grown-ups!!

Murry taking the heart she made him!
She asked for a Dorothy hat and was very proud of her outfit!
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