Thursday, January 04, 2007

DAY ONE!!!!!
Thank You to Elliot Spitzer for a wonderful FREE concert in celebration of his new DEMOCRATIC GOVERNSHIP over NEW YORK.
We got to see Benn Vereen, Natalie Merchant, James Taylor and one of Gabrielle's favorites... right from the Disney Channel... the ONE... and definatly the ONLY Dan Zanes!!
"The times are a changing" Elliot Spitzer 01.01.2007 Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hello Madeline Baby, I'm Gabrielle...

I have been watching you grow up on the computer... It's nice to meet you! You are little, but when you get bigger you can play with all my toys!
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Hello New York!! Posted by Picasa
What a wonderful Christmas! Posted by Picasa
yum, yum, yum Posted by Picasa
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A very Merry Second Christmas!
Gabrielle had a wonderful time this christmas with lots of fun with her family, friends and lots of presents! Posted by Picasa