Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Gabrielle!!
3 Years Old!

Gabrielle celebrated her 3rd birthday at the YMCA with a pool party. She had been counting down the days until all of her friends and cousins would be together to celebrate her birthday! She had such a great time and was really very happy all day!

Thanks to Aunt Melissa Kathryn, Karina and Gabrielle
had matching bathing suits!

Gabrielle loves to swim and so did all her friends!
Even Opa took a dip!
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Gabrielle's Birthday sleep over!
For her 3rd birthday Gabrielle had a pool party, but as a special treat she had a sleep over the night before with her cousins Kathryn and Karina. She was so excited when we set up all three girls in her room with sleeping bags and pillows! We heard them up giggling till really late, after countless times telling them to go to bed, they finally settled down and fell asleep. It reminded me of times when my cousins would sleep over. This was not Gabrielle's first sleep over, but it was the first where all the kids slept in one room. Melissa and I can't wait till they get a little older, and then we can send them off for weekend sleep overs at each others houses!

yes, thanks to Aunt Melissa they all have matching Cinderells Nightgowns!
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Indian Ladder Farm
We kicked off fall a little bit early with our good friends Renee and Kathy and their boys Ben and Luke at Indian Ladder Farm. We had a great time feeding the animals and picking apples. It was really warm out, but still fun!

With Ben.
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Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gabrielle's First day of school!

So Gabrielle was so excited about her first day of school, she came in our room at 7:00am (she usually wakes up between 8 & 8:30) and asked, " Is it time for school now?" I all I could do was hope she will be this enthusiastic when she is in 8th grade!
She loved her teachers and was very proud of herself!

Her second day of school was,"Wear Red To School Day" So she picked her doggie dress! Thanks Memaa, this is the second year she can wear that, although it is getting a bit short!
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