Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ok, ok so mom has been a little lax with the blog updates... sorry Aunt Ashia. she will try to get everyone up to date!
This is my new favorite hobby, coloring with crayons. Mommy bought the big washable kind, and it's a good thing she did too, cause when they weren't looking I colored on our flat screen TV. Mama was really good about it, I thought she would FLIP but in a REALLY quiet voice she said," oh my goodness... well let's put the crayons away and play with your blocks" I quickly dropped my big red crayon to the floor, I figured if I dropped it fast enough mom wouldn't know it was me who colored on the TV... after all I was just adding a little color to the blank screen...hee hee hee
This is my room... I play with my things so nicely, like a big girl!
"Mom, can I have a snack? Mom? Mom?! Why are you always taking pictures of me?"
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